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Exercise 3 - Advanced Frequencies

  1. Create a Schedule named ADVANCED FREQUENCIES with 5 Null Jobs.
  2. Give 4 of the 5 Jobs a Frequency allowing them to run every day.
  3. Give the 5th Job a Frequency to run on the end of the month.
  4. Null Job 1: Exclude Feb, Jun, Aug, and Nov
  5. Null Job 2: Start Scheduling on next Wednesday’s date
  6. Null Job 3: Stop Scheduling on next Wednesday’s date
  7. Null Job 4: Exclude from Schedule on this Friday
  8. Null Job 5: Include in Schedule on this Friday (this is the end of the month Frequency)
  9. Build the Schedule for every day this week, next week, and one day in November.
  10. Verify that the proper Jobs were included/excluded each day.